
Let’s build a chatbot!

The central part of your chatbot is the conversation (meaning, what and when should the bot say).
In most chatbots, you will represent the conversation by a graph.

Each node in this graph represents a specific state of the conversation, such as “greeting” or “asking for directions”.
The chatbot can then move between states, for example, when the user asks something.

Graph of conversational states in a chatbot.

Flows and states

Botshot provides a dialog manager that makes it easy to define and move between these states.
We further group states into so-called flows, conversations about a particular topic. These are similar to packages or modules in a programming language.

Usually, you will want to define the set of possible states, the transitions between these states and the actions that the bot should do in these states.
You can define the conversation in YAML, in JSON [1], or directly in code.
Actions can either be written in Python, or they can be hardcoded in the conversation.

Defining the conversation in YAML

We prefer to use YAML over definitions in code, as it is cleaner and allows to separate structure from the content.
If you used the bots script, there is already a default flow at my_bot/chatbots/default/flow.yml.
Each flow.yml has to be enabled in
    "FLOWS": {  # we recommend creating a separate directory and file for each flow
The structure of flow.yml is as follows.
greeting:            # flow "greeting"
    - name: root         # state "root" of flow "greeting"
      action:            # action run when state is trigerred
        text: "Hello there!"      # send a message with text "Hello there!"
        next: "greeting.joke:"    # move to state "joke" and execute it (:)
    - name: joke         # state "joke" of flow "greeting"
      action: actions.show_a_joke  # actions can be either hardcoded messages or functions

city_info:   # a flow - dialogue that shows facts about a city
    - name: root
      action: actions.show_city_info
  accepts:   # entities that trigger this flow
  - city_name
You can now skip to the next page see how the actions are implemented in Python, or you can continue reading about how the dialog manager works.

State transitions

Each conversation starts in the default.root state.
The system of transitions between states is quite well thought out.
This is important, get ready.

1. Intent transition First, the dialogue manager checks whether an intent was received from the NLU. If that’s true, it looks for a flow with the same name as the intent. So for example, when user’s message was “Hello there!”, the recognized intent is greeting and the chatbot tries to move to the greeting flow. If such a state exists, the bot executes its root state’s action (which in this case says “Hello there!”). You can override this with your own regex:

  intent: "(greeting|goodbye)"

2. Entity transition If no intent was detected, the DM tries to move by NLU entities. For example, if the message was “New York”, we can hardly know what intent the user had, but we might have extracted the entity city_name using our NLU tool. Therefore, the bot moves to the city_info flow, as it accepts this entity. Accepted entities are specified like this:

  - username

3. Manual transitions You can also move between states manually using the next attribute, or from code. Remember that next: "default.root" just moves to the state, but "default.root:" also runs its action. You can use relative names as well. next: "root"

Supported entities

If neither intent nor entity transition was triggered, the bot checks if the current state is able to handle the received message.
It does this by checking the current state’s supported entities against the message’s entities.
These can be specified using the supports: attribute below.
This way, you can prevent a transition from happening, if the message is supported.

If there is at least one supported entity in the message, Botshot finally executes the current state’s action.
The action can either be a harcoded message or a python function with custom logic that generates a response. You can read about actions in the next page.

Otherwise, Botshot first tries to execute the unsupported action of the current state, which would usually say something like “Sorry, I don’t get it”. If no such action exists, it moves to state default.root.

If the user sends a supported message after the bot didn’t understand, the conversation is reverted to the original state, as if nothing had happened.
- name: prompt
    text: "Are you satisfied with our services?"
    next: "input"  # move without executing the state
- name: input   # wait for input
  supports:     # entities the state can handle
  - yesno
  unsupported:  # what to say otherwise
    text: "Sorry, I don't get it."
    replies: ["Yes", "No", "Nevermind"]

You might only want to support a specific set of entity-values.

- intent: greeting  # this intent won't trigger an intent transition
- place:            # list of supported entity-values
  - Prague
  - New York


An accepted entity is implicitly supported.

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words: (TODO picture)

In the next page, we shall discuss sending messages to the user.

Requirements (optional)

A common pattern in chatbots is to ask for additional information before answering a query. Consider this conversation:

  • USER Hey bot, book me a hotel in Prague.
  • BOT Sure thing, when would you like to check in?
  • USER Tomorrow
  • BOT And how many nights are you staying for?
  • USER For a week I suppose.
  • BOT Cool! These are the best hotels that I know: …
This sort of repetitive asking could get quite complicated and tedious. Fortunately, you can leave the logic to Botshot.
Each state can have a list of requirements along with prompts to get them. Example:
    - name: root
      action: actions.hotel_search

      - entity: "datetime"  # check if entity is present
          text: "When would you like to check in?"
          replies: ["Today", "Tomorrow", "Next friday"]

      - condition: actions.my_condition  # a custom function returning boolean
        action: actions.my_prompt        # an action, see the next page


[1]YAML (stands for YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is a superset of JSON.